Wednesday 5 October 2011

Steve Jobs- Visionary, Pioneer, Revolutionary

"I skate to the puck where it's going to be, not where it's been". A deeply favoured quote by Apple's co-founder Steve jobs lies deeply encapsulated within his legacy. An eight year struggle with a malignant, lingering disease ended with the prospect of death, Jobs has finally realised the very fragility of life. It was his everlasting flair and technological enthusiasm that brought the magic of the Macintosh, the iPod and the iPhone. A visionary who refused to accept the notion that the sky was the limit, he intended to make a dent in the universe and what a miraculous feat he achieved. The foundation of one of the most favoured and respected tech industries from a rundown California garage to the formulation of a culture, that fostered love for art, creativity and open-mindedness. A competitor of proportions never witnessed before, destined to eliminate the monopolisation of the Windows operating environment.
Jobs seemed never short of limitations as his ideas evolved to compose and deploy a more user-friendly experience. His legacy seems analogous, a memorandum  of timeless innovation inspired by a passion for success and the love of life.

1 comment:

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