Friday 20 January 2012

Aldous Huxley- The Acclaim of an Intellectual

A figure of the highest stature. Revered, regarded and acclaimed within some of the most prestigious of academic circles. A leader and a dignitary of modern thought, the very authority of literary prowess. Having converged on landscapes never before ventured and attained heights none can conceive, he profoundly transfigured the academic realm, from a nexus of thought, to a philosophical mysticism. Pushed the envelope further than ever and established a pristine standard, that many attempt to emulate but fail to replicate. Aldous Huxley remains an intellectual personality worthy of an intimate analysis. Master of the literary and philosophical fronts, his controversial but masterful stances paint the portrait of an inquisitive and inquiring psyche. One willing to exploit the intellectual and academic resources at hand to institutionalise on an independent platform a legacy of literacy and thought at its purest. A legacy lively and fiery, maintained by the myriad of texts he authored, edited and criticised. Huxley's interest spanned several intellectual specialties; with his avocational of the use of psychedelics, arising from his interests in mysticism and the literary mastery he fabricated, one can foresee an evident line of profound implications. Implications that transfigured the intellectual circles and shook the social fronts. His publication of, Brave New World, arose from an interest in the rise of political and social dystopias. Huxley was an artist, a sculptor of language, wit and wisdom. The definitive intellectual, a witty and eloquent psyche, coupled with a flawed and controversial world-view. Huxley maintained fame and reverence through both his literary capacity, his sheer dexterity to compose a gripping and intellectually enlightening text. In conjunction with such a prowess, he assumed several stances on the mystical fronts. His post-second world war anthology, The Perennial Philosophy, revived a long-lost philosophical movement deeply rooted within a belief that the multitude of theologies are direct espressions of a single, saving truth. The Perennial Philosophy, outlined in the deepest of detail Huxley's capacity well beyond the literary fronts. His analytical outlook of theology and the mysticism that accompanied it. Huxley's philosophy when the tables turned to Hallucinogents and consciousness altering drugs were a combination of advocacy and support. Huxley believed in attaining an accessible yet higher realm of consciousness, that would steep mystical and spiritual discovery. Currently, the frenzy concerning Huxley's excellence and intellectual brilliance is fed and fueled by the very liberal and academic culture he fabricated unknowingly. A culture where thought was an esoteric and an exoteric reality, that a higher order of being was attainable and the popular prospect of an untapped 'Human Potential'. It is Huxley's personal relation to his philosophical and spiritual ventures that coins a standard contemporary and living scholarly intellectuals overlook. To produce a personal and erase an impersonal attachment with his philosophy and thought. For when one reaches a personal attachment to thought they attain a higher more superior order, one unsurpassed, yet subtle and invisible to the public eye. Huxley's advances, intellectually gives much clue to his internal cognitive function. An unmatched passion, a lust for knowledge and a quest to conquer ground never before ventured. It was and remains his polymathic intellect that conquers ground and elevates his legacy as a flourishing and enigmatic intellectual. But such an acclaim comes as a result of laborious and inexhaustible toil. As a direct result of Huxley's intellectual dimension...


  1. interesting....
    very detailed...

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