Saturday 25 August 2012

Freud- A Portrait

Why is Freud so venerated? Is it his outlandish, flamboyant and provocative conception of the mind or his morose, convoluted appearance? His theories of psychoanalytic drive and propulsion compounded with his schema of a subconscious self has undeniably deployed a seminal frontier for modern thought. His exploits as a experimenter, a measurer and an erudite revamped the clinical approach to the mind, employing listening as the hallmark of its repertoire. His attempt at pinpointing the sheer focal point of human sexuality, the machinery of interpretation and the subtle connotations of dreams fulfils a legacy, paints a portrait of a kaleidoscopic endeavour. When pondering Freud, we conceive a deep and eloquent expedition of the mind, deep into the oasis of the unconscious, far and out into the dawn of our cognition as rational and intelligent beings. From his early encounters with hysteria, Freud dispelled somatic disorder, subsuming a paradigm of listening as a foundation of diagnosis, stretching deep into the childhoods and infancies of his patients. In addition, Freud expounded the personality as a contraption of the Id; the early, gratifying and satisfying self; the ego; an intermediate, considerate and realistic transformation of the psyche and the superego; the moral engine of ethical virtue and conscience. According to Freud, thoughts are of the unconscious; conflicting energies and disguised desires become apparent with as much as the slip of a tongue or even a daydream. It was this foundation of human drive, instinct, thought and individuality on the grounding the unconscious mind that fulfilled a kaleidoscopic and dynamic Freudian standpoint. The oedipus complex plays a similar role in this regard, the early and innate sexual lust of the child for its mother and the annihilation of the father. What we may observe is the array, the panoply of bizarre and uncanny propositions that are at the nucleus of Freud's psychoanalytic credence, by latter-day standards, Freud may lack relevance and basis yet the elements of influence and clinical insightfulness seem the archetypal powers of his intellectual legacy. Ruminating further on the supergo, it remains the module of narcissism, the engine of the ego ideal that Freud regarded as the interplay between the conscious and the unconscious self, the images and desires of whom the self yearns to become. 

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